
The “Halls” page is located in the “Conference settings” part of the menu. You will see this page only if you have enabled the “Mobile App” module while creating your event.

In this page, you can create and edit halls for your event so that your attendees using the Attendee mobile App can see where a lecture or workshop is being held.

To create a hall, click on the “Create hall” button on the top of the “Halls” page. Here you can type in the hall name (for example The Diamond Hall, The Cool Hall, The Great Lebowski…), decide on the hall colour and add a cover image of the hall. We recommend that you use a 3:1 aspect ratio image that is no larger than 10 MB for the hall cover image. When you are done editing the hall info, click on the “Create” button.

After you have added the halls, you can assign them to the workshops on the “Workshops” page. To read more about “Workshops”, click here.

To edit a hall, click on a hall name on the list of the halls on the “Halls” page, edit the information, and click “Update”.

To delete a hall, click on a hall name on the list of the halls on the “Halls” page and select “Delete”.

Don’t forget, if you have any problems which are not covered in this guide, please, let us know. We will help you! :)