How to use the design tool?

The “Design tool” is a simple drag & drop design tool that is used to create name badges for event attendees. Here we will explain how to easily create beautiful, ready to print name badges.

Table of contents:

  • Options
  • Upload background
  • Fields
  • Preview
  • How it works
  • Printing


First, you need to choose the format you are going to use for your name badges. They can be portrait or landscape, and there are a number of dimensions you can use. Just click on the “Options” button and take your picks.

Upload background

After choosing the size, you need to upload the background image for your name badges. Just click on the “Upload background” button and select the image from your computer that you want to use for your name badges. Crop them to fit the dimensions and you are ready for next steps.

If you want to change the background, click on the “Remove background” button and upload another image.


After you have uploaded the background image, you are ready to move on to the next step. Now, you will choose the fields that will appear on your name badges.

To the left of the image, you can see fields that CoreEvent is suggesting for you to use. They are created based on the fields you used to create your web form, the “Attendee fields”. Read more about the “Attendee fields” in the “Attendee fields” section of the Help & Support.

Just drag & drop the fields to the image on the right and choose where to put them. You can put the names of attendees to name badges, their companies, positions, countries, categories, pictures, etc. You can also use the “Image” field to add other images to your name badges and upgrade their design.

Any field that is connected to any of the attendee data you have will be connected to each and every attendee. That way, when you finish your design, all of your attendees will have their name badges ready. 5 minutes of work for as many name badges as you need? Yes, that is CoreEvent.

Many organizers are now using the “QR code” or “Barcode” fields. That way, attendees will have their unique personal QR codes on their name badges, in case you want to track their movement on the event site, or just register when they enter or leave the event.


If you want to see what your name badges will look like, just click on the “Preview” button.

How it works

In short, you use the “Design tool” to create name badges for your attendees. In a small amount of time, you can design beautiful name badges, ready for each and every attendee on your “Attendee list”.


When you have the name badges designed and all of your attendee data ready, you can print the name badges if you want. You can print before the event using our “Bulk print” function, or print on-site. To get to know more about printing name badges via CoreEvent, check out the section of the Help & Support called the “Attendee list”.

Don’t forget, if you have any problems which are not covered in this guide, please, let us know. We will help you! :)