

The tickets are configured through “Tickets Settings,” where you can define various ticket types and prices. Once your tickets are set up, it’s time to distribute them to potential attendees. CoreEvent will track all ticket sales in the “Ticket statistics Dashboard,” where you can view real-time data on sales progress and attendee registration. This system ensures you maintain control over event access, optimize revenue generation, and manage attendee data efficiently.

How to create a ticket

The process begins once an organizer accesses the specific event dashboard on their chosen event management platform. From here, the next step involves navigating to the “Ticketing” section and selecting the “Tickets” submenu, which brings the user to the main ticket management area.

At this juncture, organizers can initiate the creation of new tickets by clicking the “+ Create Tickets” button. This action opens a detailed form that requires various inputs to accurately configure the new ticket. Essential fields in this form include the “Ticket Name” and the “Ticket Category” which help classify the ticket according to the event structure, such as VIP or regular.

The financial aspects are handled through fields such as “Price” and “Initial Quantity,” which determine the cost of each ticket and the total number available for sale, respectively. Timing is also a critical component, managed via the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields. These determine the sales window, ensuring tickets are only available during the specified timeframe. It’s important to note that tickets will not appear on the registration page before the start date, which helps in controlling the sales launch precisely.

Additionally, organizers can specify whether entry with the ticket is date-restricted, which is crucial for events spanning multiple days or having specific entry rules. The form also includes sections for “Ticket Description” and “Sales Channel,” where organizers can detail what the ticket offers and select the sales platforms.

An option to display the ticket in the store even if sold out or expired can also be checked, which helps maintain visibility and interest in the event regardless of ticket availability. After all the details are filled in, the form is completed by clicking the “Create Ticket” button, which puts the tickets into circulation and starts the sales process.