Categories & zones

The “Categories & zones” feature is located in the “Event settings” section of the menu. This section of the menu is only visible if you have enabled the “Categories & zones” module when creating a new event. On this page, we will explain what are categories, what are zones, how to change the number of zones and how to add, change or delete categories.

What are categories?

Organizers can decide on different categories that their attendees can be a part of. For example, you can create VIP, Diamond, Ordinary, Press, Organizer, Lecturer or any other category and assign attendees to those categories.

You can either assign categories to attendees one attendee at a time in the “Attendee list”, allow the attendees to decide on their own category in the invite form, or assign a default category for all of the attendees that apply through the invite form.

What are zones?

Organizers use zones at events to decide on different uses of different areas of the event venue and who has access to them. Whether it is the VIP zone, lecturers lounge at a conference, the staff area or anything else, just select the number of zones while creating a new event. You can change that number whenever you want in the “Event info” section.

Adding, changing and deleting categories

To add a category, click on the “+” icon next to the “Categories” heading on the top of the page. Type in the category name, select its colour, and assign the category to the zones these attendees will have access to. Click on the “Create” button to create a new category.

To change the data of an existing category, click on the pen icon next to the category name, change the data and click on the “Update” button to save your progress.

To delete a category, click on the pen icon next to the category name and select the “Delete” button.

Don’t forget, if you have any problems which are not covered in this guide, please, let us know. We will help you! :)