Event info

The “Event info” is located in the menu in the “Event settings” section.

In the “Event info” page you can change basic event info such as the event title, start and end dates and times, and event location. This information is visible to the public in the “Invite attendees” form and the event “Public page”.

If, when creating the event, you opted in for the module “Categories & zones”, on this page you can modify the number of zones.

Also, here you can add or change the cover image of the event, visible on the event “Public page”. Just click on “Add cover image”, select the image from your device, crop it and here it is. The image should ideally be with 3:1 aspect ratio and its size should not be larger than 10 MB.

On this page you can also add or change the event description and add or change event type and event topic.

At the end of making changes on this page, be sure to click the “Update” button on the bottom of the page. Otherwise, the changes you have made will not be saved.

Don’t forget, if you have any problems which are not covered in this guide, please, let us know. We will help you! :)