Pending requests

After your attendees fill out the form you posted (check out more about the form in the section “Invite attendees”), you will see them on the “Pending requests” page, in the Attendance requests list.

On the “Pending requests” page you can see the list of attendees that filled out your web form. You can approve or deny access to the event to these applicants.

To accept or deny an attendee request, just tick the box next to their names, select how many you like, and choose between “Accept” or “Deny” in the blue header box, on the top of the table.

If you accept an attendee, his or her name will come to the “Attendee list”. If you deny them, they will be deleted from CoreEvent.

Other functions of the Pending requests list are the same to the one on the page “Attendee list”, just without the “Print” features.

Don’t forget, if you have any problems which are not covered in this guide, please, let us know. We will help you! :)